Annual Report 2020


For the second year running we held our Easter Raffle in St Peters parish hall. Ticket sales were a great improvement compared with 2019.  Again we had a large turnout.

We arranged for 6 older people to go on the Lions Club holiday in Trabolgan. They had a great time.

We were delighted to be nominated to represent Louth in the national “Pride of Place “awards” which were held in Kilkenny. We spend a few days making a promotional video for our presentation to the judges who spent a morning with us.  Unfortunately we didn’t win our section but we did enjoy the exposure and the publicity it generated.

We were able to give one person a mobility scooter which someone in Dundalk donated to us.

In June we launched our first Tri Shaw that was donated for our use by Louth County Council.  Initially 2 pilots received training they in turn trained others. Our first clients were people from St Marys nursing home and Boyne View nursing homes who we took up to either Oldbridge House or out to Baltray. We then also regularly took people living in Moor Hall Lodge Nursing Home around their own grounds. We ceased this in October and hope to resume again in the spring.

We were instrumental in the newly formed “Positive Ageing Week” community group run by Louth Leader Partnership with Vera and Bridie making very positive contributions.  The actual week went reasonably well but there are certainly some aspects need changing for 2020.

Bridie and Vera ran another 3 days outing to Wexford and a day trip to Farmley House .

Ann, Paulette and Geraldine were given a tour of the newly opened  Memory Room in Ballsgrove  Clinic.

In December the Rotary Club asked us to take part in their “remembrance tree” fund raiser. We maned the trees outside Tesco’s Super Store, In the Laurence’s Shopping Centre and outside St Peter’s church in West Street.  Although the outside venues were a bit cold we did enjoy the involvement  and  we were presented with a cheque for €4000 for our efforts.

We had some good news from the CE scheme project, Geraldine can remain with us until she retires (If she wants to)

Panic Buttons, we arranged 152 instillations , compared to 110 in 2018.

Greenhills Distribution Centre is doing extremely well opened from 9.30am until 2pm

Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  This is our first full year running the Distribution Centre .Total possible clients 770 of which 642 were active (83%) . Number  of orders handled 3,278 . Number of packs dispatched 19,306.  10% of clients pay for deliveries. We have 10 very keen and dedicated volunteers . Big thank you to Tony and all the volunteers. 

Tony gave a presentation to the HSE detailing the statics we had gathered,. This joint  DDS4OP /HSE initiative has been a real success and may lead to other joint projects

Care & Repair – we did a total of 432 jobs for 211 people , compared to 399  jobs in 2018. This comprised of; 32 hand rails, 261 gardening, 33 Household related . Our Care & Repair team not only completed 432 jobs they were also the recipients of  the Louth Public Participation award for Voluntary Teamwork . The presentation took place in Bellingham Castle at the awards dinner.

2019 was another successful year for Failte Isteach culminating in our Certificate Award ceremony in June which was held in The Highlanes Gallery. We had an average of 18 students a week and 12 teachers, including 2 two new ones, who came on board during the year. One of our teachers , Larry Leech, retired after 7 years with us. We had extra help from both Mary Allen and Eamon Cooney who alternated making the tea for our break

Befriending Over the last year we have maintained a steady clientele mainly being referred through PHN and Cottage Hospital.  We liaise with Focus Ireland, Mental Health Services, Meath Befriending Service and Alone Dundalk 

Clients Referred  201946
Clients Assessed38
Matches and Introductions 33
Successful Ongoing Matches 201915

People did not proceed due to:

  • Not interested in service,
  • Moved to long term care 
  • RIP
  • Not suitable for our service 
  • No suitable volunteer available and continue to be awaiting match. 

Total Active, current Befriending matches 38 (Total Befriending matches to date 76).

Good Morning Drogheda

Phone service 9am to 12pm daily Monday to Friday 

15 dedicated Volunteers

Call 128 individuals 

87 calls daily 

Staff Activity 2019

Participated in; Alone Coordinator Meetings, Louth Age Friendly Forum, Louth County Council, involved in Positive Aging week meetings and events, attended Age Friendly Conference, Participated in Pride of Place Community award.

Fundraising Events

Easter Raffle and Coffee Morning in April

Flag Day in May

Church Gate Collection in June

Bag Packing in December